
In 2016, the U.S. faced an election like no other. Donald Trump was running for president, fervently proclaiming his intention to build a wall – a great, great wall – along the U.S-Mexico border as part of his campaign rhetoric.

This opened up a unique opportunity for Tecate, a Mexican beer brand aiming to expand beyond its Hispanic bi-cultural market, to insert itself into the conversation – with tongue firmly in beer-filled cheek, of course. And since Tecate hails from an eponymous town that literally straddles the U.S-Mexico border, it made perfect sense to propose a wall of a different kind.

Media placement

We pitched this idea to America during a time when we knew millions would be anticipating the next commentary on the issue: the first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Social Impact

Within hours following the debate, thousands were giving the Beer Wall their vote on social media.

Media Buzz 

Tecate - BeerWall Media Lines.jpg


-   1.4 Billion Media Impressions

-   31 Million Social Views

-   US$24 Million Earned Media

-   87% Positive Campaign Sentiment